13 Questions You Should Be Asking Potential Wedding Photographers


I'm not going to dive too deep into the basic questions like are you available on my date, what are your wedding packages and what is included, how much of a deposit do you require, and when is the full payment due. I think those are the most obvious so here are 13 questions you may not have thought of. 

1. Are you licensed and insured? 

Okay, maybe you’ve thought about this one already but it’s important! All businesses need a license to operate legally, and different locations require different licenses. For example, to shoot legally in Banff National Park you need a license. Insurance is boring but it's important to make sure that they have liability insurance as many venues require it to shoot there.


2. Do you have a back up plan if they are sick? What about back up gear?

Shit happens guys, especially in this crazy covid world we're living in. Make sure your photographer has a back up plan, like another professional they trust that they could send in their place. Also make sure they bring back up gear with them in case some of their equipment malfunctions! 

Speaking of covid, what happens if you are forced to reschedule your wedding? Will they charge a rescheduling fee? Keep the entire deposit? 


3. If my wedding goes longer than scheduled, do you charge for the extra coverage? If so, how much?

Again, shit happens. Sometimes hair and make up goes longer than anticipated or the reception is behind schedule. Is your photographer going to bounce as soon as their scheduled time is up or will they stay to capture the important moments?


4. Do you send out sneak peeks (if so, when?) and how long does it take to receive the full gallery?

Every photographer does things differently, some don't do sneak peeks at all and others can't wait to share images with you! Some photographers take 6 months to deliver the full gallery and others take just a few weeks. It's important to set expectations from the start.


5. Can we see a full gallery or two of past weddings?

This question never shows up in wedding planning books for some reason but it could be the best question of them all! Photographers show their best work in their portfolio but if you can see a REAL wedding gallery they’ve delivered than you have a much more well rounded idea of the quality of their work.


6. Have you worked at our venue before? If not, would you scope it out before? 

If your photographer hasn't worked at your venue and won't take the time to scope it out they could miss out on some beautiful photo locations or forget to bring adequate lighting equipment, or miss the mark on any restrictions your venue may have.


7. How many weddings have you shot and how many do you do per year? 

Experience is important, of course, but if they shoot 50+ weddings a year will they be burnt out by the time yours comes around?


8. How would you describe your working style? Do you prefer to capture candid moments or do you prefer to set the scenes up? 

There is no wrong answer here! Some people want to hire a photographer that will stay in the background and capture everything that's happening, others want someone that will take charge and perfectly pose/direct the scene. It’s all about your preference and what is more important to you.


9. Do you edit all of the images you deliver and to what extent? 

Do they take the time to edit out any blemishes on every image or do they only do basic colour corrections? Do they not edit any at all until you pick the ones you like or do they edit them all before you see them?


10. How will we receive our images? Can we print them on our own? 

Will you receive them on a USB? Online gallery? By pigeon? Some photographers don't release the printing rights and you must order prints through them ($$$). Others will happily release the printing rights to you so you can print them however you'd like!


11. Can we request specific shots or a shot list that we'd like? 

Ya'll we photographers are artists, ARTEEESTS I say, and some artists realllllly do not appreciate being given a list of must have shots. Others are more chill about it and happy to fulfill requests. Personally, the only shot request I would politely decline is the "blow job" photo. I just can't. If you know you know, if you don’t you may not want to.


12. Will you be posting these online or submitting to any publications? 

If you're a private person you may not want your face plastered all over their social media/website or on wedding blogs/magazines. This is the perfect time to let them know you're either okay with it or not okay with it, and find out if they’re okay with it not being okay. Okay?


13. Will you be my photographer or will an associate be shooting my wedding?

There are many companies with more than one photog and the person you initially talked to and vibed with may not be the one actually shooting your wedding. Make sure you know who will be showing up!


I’m sure other questions will come up naturally as you meet with your prospective wedding photographers. Here are 3 bonus questions that you should ask yourselves after you're done meeting with them all!

1. Do I like this person?

Your photographer will be following you around ALL day on the most important day of your life. Make sure they're someone you can see yourself hanging out with and having fun with!  


2. Do they seem excited at the prospect of shooting my wedding? 

When you told them your wedding plans did they light up?! Share ideas with you? Ask all about you and your partner? Do they really CARE? 


3. What is my gut telling me?

Our instincts are rarely wrong.  If your gut is telling you there's something off about this person than make sure you listen!